ICANN 2002 Submission Deadline Extension

Jose Dorronsoro jose.dorronsoro at iic.uam.es
Fri Feb 8 13:08:24 EST 2002

Note: efforts have been made to avoid duplicate postings of this message.
Apologies if, nevertheless, you are getting them. 

ICANN 2002 Submission Deadline Extension

Because of numerous requests, the February 15 deadline for submission of
papers to the 12th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks,
ICANN 2002, has been extended to  February 28. Acceptance or rejection will be 
notified by April 15, 2002

Submissions must be in postscript or pdf format and can be either 
uploaded or sent by surface mail or e-mail attach. Please check the author's
instructions  in the ICANN 2002 web page, www.ii.uam.es/icann2002. 
Notice also that, in any case, a Unique Tracking Number must be obtained
first for each submission. 
The very simple procedure for UTN getting can also be started from 
the ICANN 2002 web page.

José Dorronsoro
ETS Informática
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
28049 Madrid

jose.dorronsoro at iic.uam.es
Tlfno: 34 91 348 2329
Fax:    34 91 348 2334


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