Mushrooms, luvox and OCD

dag.stenberg at nospam.helsinki.fi dag.stenberg at nospam.helsinki.fi
Thu Feb 7 08:51:41 EST 2002

et_al at my-deja.com wrote:
> SSRIs don't actually increase serotonin levels. 

Yes, they do, provided that inhibitory autoreceptors are downregulated
(e.g. through long-term use of SSRIs, through 5-HT1A-antagonist drugs 
or sleep deprivation).

5HT1A autoreceptors:
Hervas et al. Br J Pharmacol. 2000 May;130(1):160-6.
Perez et al. J Clin Psychopharmacol. 2001 Feb;21(1):36-45.
Raurich et al. Synapse. 1999 Oct;34(1):68-76.
Artigas et al. Trends Pharmacol Sci. 2001 May;22(5):224-8. Review.

Sleep deprivation:
Benedetti et al. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci. 1997;247(2):100-3.
Prévot et al. J Sleep Res. 1996 Dec;5(4):238-45.

Dag Stenberg

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