Miles Robinson <m-robinson7 at> wrote:
> Can somone explain to me the theory that humans use 10 percent of their
> brain? The details seem sketchy.
It is not worthwhile to explain that myth. Forget it. It has no
experimental base. (We had this discussion in bionet.neuroscience less
than a year ago....)
What we may agree on is that no individual uses his/her whole brain
totally at any time point (save an epileptic grand mal seizure :-) ),
but most indivíduals use all of their brain parts sometimes.
We will never agree on any specific percentage for the mean usage, because
we will disagree first on the conditions for the measurement and then on
how to measure the function. Oxygen consumtion or energy use is not a good
correlate of information transfer, for instance.
Dag Stenberg
(maybe too disillusioned at present to be constructive)