Auditory Dirsorders?

Richard Norman rnorman at umich.edu
Fri Feb 1 13:06:44 EST 2002

Did you try simply searching "auditory processing disorders" on
a search service like www.google.com?  I got 28,000 hits including
the National Coalition on Auditory Processing Disorders.

A search of the National Library of Medicine
(www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed) gave 362 hits.

"Kerry Walker" <r82kmw at mun.ca> wrote in message
news:7993e6bd.0201310451.3a3aefec at posting.google.com...
> Hi all,
> I'm looking for some general information on auditory processing
> disorders of the central nervous system.  Can any offer a good
> resource (preferably a web site)?
> Thanks,
> Kerry

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