Neurally Mediated Hypotension???

James Michael Howard jmhoward at sprynet.com
Fri Feb 1 10:51:25 EST 2002

I invite you to read my hypothesis of "neurally mediated hypotension," derived
from my explanation of "chronic fatigue syndrome" at
http://www.naples.net/~nfn03605/dheacfs.htm .

James Michael Howard
Fayetteville, Arkansas, U.S.A.

On Thu, 31 Jan 2002 21:42:09 GMT, "Richard Price" <explore65 at yahoo.com> wrote:

>Hello  -
>I am embarking on a quest to research this topic. I hope to find out what
>the medical establishment thinks of it, and in particular the neurologists
>gut reaction to the proposition(s). Maybe the "syndrome"(? not medically
>versed here) has been proven already, but from what I've read so far(a John
>Hopkins reports from 5 years ago), it is seems to be more of a hypothesis
>So, any feed back would be appreciated. Sources of information. Thoughts on
>the subject. References to research groups or individuals.
>Best regards

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