"New" colours possible?

Liar42 liar42 at aol.com
Wed Oct 31 17:55:35 EST 2001

>There is a disease called Synesthesia, where those people
can "see" sounds <

That is not a disease, that is your stupidity of not understanding magic
transitions in parts of the cingulate gyrus for example.

In LSD brain research there is a setting where to be good in it can be regarded
as a relevant prestage if ever wishing to train out for way higher magic levels
that are to do with perception in another head about correlations between magic
systems and molecular vibe rates.

It is key data to understand correlations between molecular vibe rates and
magic systems.

(And I do not like to go into that nor am I trained for that.)

But just for fun, what is supposed to be the virus or bacteria that is supposed
to cause that "disease"?

>(...) because the sensory impulses are being sent to the wrong areas of the

The area in my head is the same area, by me called playground, and there are
different setting modes, and depending on the mode it was either music [#1]
from a tape running there or that transformed also into "pixels"/colours
patterns [#2] (as well as skin sensory signals)
or them used to generate pictures in a more daydream like setting [#3] (where I
am not sure how much other areas are involved there).

#1, #2 and #3 are just different settings for the playground.

#3 seemed newer regarding history as a genetic being.

The playground is always the same area (and that is not the back of cingulate
gyrus, and I am not even sure why neuro is calling the front and the back of
cingulate gyrus the same name there; I perceive no reason internally to name
them together and do not recall one single time that I ever noticed them to
unify in cooperations; to the opposite, they are usually so distinctly
differing that even in LSD magic the tunings for some energies there in another
brain have distinctly differing settings
[for the back for example first parietal is relevant, while for the front to
get frontal shunted enough to transcending energy settings that it is out of
the way is relevant].

>Psychedelic drugs can supposedly induce synesthesia.<

With trips or shrooms I usually had to first get the music into the playground,
and then started to play around there, and then get to #2,
but found it rather relevant to hold #1 dominant meanwhile.

However I had a concussion damaging left front stuff of the playground (and not
just there) and by now I am out of that many years.

So more like recalling from back then.

However for LSD brain research I regard #2 of the 3 settings the most relevant
by far.

(Maybe you just overlook that a lot of signals go in there and do not accept
"seeing" in some sort of sense censored Westie thinking as a natural function.)

>Even then those are not new colors- <


I regard them like "seeing".

I do not know if Carlos "Castaneda" would have counted them in there,
but I am tempted to count them straight in with "seing".

>they are just doing a remapping.<

I do not regard that so.

Say I were to use the playground a certain time for whatever, I guess the
hardware there, same as if I were to use another sector in another brain for
tunings or for whatever in my brain a lot, is altering along,
however that seems more to do with internal settings, meaning between what
sectors the data is "hammered", and what there.

So say I were on LSD (while trained and while not on hallus) 
to tune in another acidhead again and again for certain of the sectors in the
back that I call shareware and co-use for tunings,
it stands to expect that if it is someone far in magic that is just a question
of minutes, but that if it is someone new to magic akasha surfing, I might need
to transprogram around for maybe 4-6 sessions in the times where I was trained
(and now maybe way more because I am out of traing for simplified 1 1/2 years;
here in USie culture they do not seem to be fans of such), and then in the
start it might be tricky to tune for sector's energies in the first place (and
that means magically regarded sectors, not Westie science regarded, that is
rather differing, like occipital cortex for example is several, and parietal
can be more one, but there are more discerning tunings, and back cingulate is
different from front cingulate, though that's not longer shareware, that
semishareware and seeming differing in that in the first place ... and I ma
getting off the topic), while if tuning for various sessions after that it
might get easy.
Bunch of seconds, if long minutes, and then one has the sector sort of online
magically and can alter tunings either directly between the equivalent and
there in the other head as primary aiming, or aim energies of the back
shareware sector of the other out into the room, say like back occipital, and
then shunt to doing that with parietal, and watch what differences it makes if
doing so with that genetic individual brain (/ some areas there), or something
like that.

The alteration rates there are to do a lot with the magic level and the sort of

The first and second level seem not to alter that much, the indication for
alterations goes up higly if reaching the third level (meaning here
transcending direct energy connections between equivalent sectors) and there
are special tunings that increase the alteration rates indicated way higher.

However such tended to be a rough indication, 
meaning no subdetails.

The remapping is not just concerning akasha in a sector, whatever you call
but also I assume if the cooperations between sectors are altered that
alterations in the connections between them follow.

Say I keep singling out in aiming back occipital and then aim for some parietal

Even if that acidhead's was not used to that before,
within 4-6 sessions it might get way easier for me to do that,
and after one or two dozen sessions or maybe even way less I might just sort of
flux around the according transconnections, sort of like fuzz around, fuzz
around fuzz around, got the three main shareware energy transconnections I find
relevant for other stuff, and off to stuff I find more interesting, like some
particular experiment, and then I did not need to supervise the shareware much
anymore, they hold their tunings often then for a while fine enough without me
needing to bother.

While #2 in the playground is just a setting, that is still the playground,
and if I do this or that there, it stands to assume that the hardware will
adapt if I do it long enough and often enough.

> I'm guessing low pitch sounds are reds, high
pitch sounds are violets, and the other colors fall

I do not recall ever paying attention to it.

More sort of topographically, and that the sides are more important for me than
the middle stuff in music & internally in the playground, so that the middle
does not get too dominant over the sides.

I found the pixel stuff more reminding remotely of some T.V. stuff when there
is no program tuned in and running.

I have not thought much about colours there.

Magically regarded however for me colours seem to do with various expects, like
what is magically done, 
and in the room the most dominant for me, if there is any at all, is probably
and I just assumed that that is because blue is a rather old colour,
and maybe also because I once had some patially internal tuning in akasha
surfing with someone, where I tried to focus from me to optics, which did not
lead far in internal perception but cause a sort of middle blue to flare up,
reminding me remotely of watching from the outside a room where a T.V. is

Anyway, I am not sure if the lower ones would cause red and the higher lila.


Maybe not.

I seem magically nearly red-green blind.

Not sure how fast I'd get red in there, but for the playground I have not
thought much about it.


For me it were just bunches of colours usually, and seemed ususally not
relevant which one, more where and other stuff, like that it does not go
overload and cause rapidly spreading cramp-pulses & sector jump 
& epileptics, cause that ain't healthy for stuff in the brain and sucks.

My brain seemed to too happy about them artificial electromagnetic signals. 

So my concern used to be more to be alert to overloads and either shunt to the
"black" stuff in between, meaning where no tones / colour transitions were
running in the playground,
or to try to isolate off the entire playground real fast and try to get optical
data from outside (and to shut down the music),
and be fast enough to manage in 3-5 spreading cramp-pulses, because after that
it might be too late.

So I guess I had other primary concerns there and also other interests.

Why don't you go and watch it?

I guess you could pop LSD or shrooms, 
and close your eyes and listen to reflected music in cupped hands behind your
ears and then go closer with the hands (eyes still closed) and "pull the tones
inside" and then once the brain got used to them running inside,

use maybe some whale tape with tones of a group of whales, and if they are at
the location call of the tone up and far around and then the down tone,
but more at two of them making tones to each other,
there might be differing hights, and then you could check that theory.

Argh, I just made a big error, having writting first instead of "behind ears"
"behind eyes" ... I better make a break here.

Guess my partner soon wants to sleep anyway, and then comes Buffy and then
Halloween monsters maybe ringing on the door and wanting stuff that is bad for
their teeth.


Merry Halloween to others in the room!

And I buzz off now to make a break.

 <}:-)=OO=I   (((  = = (((  = = (( 


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