"New" colours possible?

Liar42 liar42 at aol.com
Wed Oct 31 17:10:13 EST 2001

This seems not really an answer to your question, but magically in akasha
surfing with others on sense enhancing drugs, depending on the person one is
doing it with, there can be magic colours coming in that alone I normally would
not perceive.
However these tend to still be human colours.

Also the colour transition can differ vastly in magic in differing individuals.

Where another might perceive colours I might not, where another perceived lila,
blue and green I just got blue in.

I am a bit mentally handicapped and the way I like to go akasha surfing
normally is rather colour devoid for me,
and I seem to handicap even various other persons I go LSD akasha surfing with
in magic colour perception 
as long as they are akasha surfing with me.

Odd colour perception might also come in if the contact is with energies of
those caused by someone who seems neither human nor mammal,
however it might still be common colour transitions.

One that I found rather remarkable was on some trip infrared seeming to come in
while starting at the halo around a candle.

Sort of the usual colours first, like yellow closer to the candle and then red
outside, and then after the red came another sort of red, that I was not used
to, and assumed to be infrared.

However I never had that sober, nor even on any other time I was on drugs; just
that one single time. So it does not seem something that commonly pops up for

All in all I regard colours limited to the common colours.

Concerning other mammals it is said that various of them have not the same
colour perception we do have, and the differences are supposed to be even way
higher for various insects.

But I do not have much data worth mentioning on that.

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