"New" colours possible?

Wordsmith wordsmith at rocketmail.com
Wed Oct 31 13:17:00 EST 2001

bbruner at uclink4.berkeley.edu (Bob) wrote in message news:<3bdf63b3.34218494 at agate.berkeley.edu>...
> On Tue, 30 Oct 2001 22:08:44 +0100, "Urs Enke" <urs.enke at web.de>
> wrote:
> >For some years now I've wondered
> >-- whether the (red-green-blue-mixable) colours we know are all there are in
> >this universe, and if not,
> >-- whether it might be possible to neurologically change the visual cortex
> >(or whatever necessary) to create the sensation of other colours, and
> >-- whether there has been any research suggesting that other animals are
> >actually seeing different colours than we do.
> >
> Just to add a brief comment to all the good stuff already posted...
> Apparently two different "red" receptors are known in humans, with
> slightly different wavelength responses. So, genetically determined,
> different people see color differently. (I can probably find a
> reference for that, if someone wants to look it up.)
> bob

There's a gender factor also.  I've heard it said men are much more prone to
color-blindness than women.  Is this a fable or is there meat on the bone?

Wordsmith :)

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