Protein effects on mood?

Aristotle aristotle at spammenot.ihug.com.au
Tue Oct 30 07:40:49 EST 2001

Thanks for all your help people - food for thought :-) !

I would prefer to be purely vegetarian and perhaps I just need to plan 
my diet more and be more organised.


Liar42 wrote:

> I heard iron is in salad, and apart from that there are iron slow-feed tablets
> if one is really out for iron.
> Apart from that I do not eat parts of corpses from persons of so closely
> related kinds as mammals (nor birds), 
> and therefore I can not really judge that,
> but I saw a film about a tribe in India who did not eat meat, 
> and many there did not look like they have particularily bad moods, to the
> opposite.
> I noticed more with fish, if I have not eaten any in a long time and then ate
> some, that at times there was a remarkable mood alteration, and I guessed that
> that were ancient hunter programs kicking in, causing a different treshhold for
> physical violence and an energy feeling like might be needed for a run to hunt
> another being down.
> (Not like superbig, not like straight wishing to beat up the next person.)

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