want to know about cavernous haemangioma

Liar42 liar42 at aol.com
Mon Oct 29 12:25:09 EST 2001

Have you ever considered to ask someone of the Lakota called something like
Archie Fire Lame Deer if he believes that there is anyone who might be able to
heal this tumour magically?

Maybe not.

An attempt might require that your brother can magically open completely and
has full trust,

and to bring a pipe filled with good tobacco to Archie and asks him this.

If he takes the pipe and smokes it, if I understood their customs right he is
obliged to try to help.

This procedure with the pipe might be repeated with someone else if he
recommends someone.

So simplified requirements seem that the brother knows how to open magically
and has full trust, to go to Pine Ridge and find Archie Fire Lame Deer,
to have the pipe visible so it is clear that it is offered and ask him if he
believes it might be possibe to do something about it magically or in what they
call "ton".

If he does not wish to smoke from the pipe it means he ain't wanna try.

To push then further might be rude.

(Literature about this is found in German: Gerhard Buzzi: Indianische
Heilgeheimnisse. Die Lehren von Großvater, dem heiligen Mann.

I forget where, maybe between page 40-70?

Might check somewhere like 56 and from there try upwards and downwards.

The according pages are very few.

I forget if it was Archie Fire Lame Deer or someone else who's supposed to have
healed some brain tumour there.

The book back then cost about 10 DM in Berlin, that would be about $5.)

I don't know if he could do lung stuff.

Anyway, might be worth a try.

Or at least if it were me I might consider it.

Ain't cost much more than going there, organizing a pipe and good tobacco,
describing the problem, asking if he believes something can be done, and then
putting the place in some offering way that is not too pushy, so that he can
think about if he wishes to accept the pipe and the task or not.

And if not he might have some idea who might be suited to try 
if one asks him who might be very suited to try this.

Maybe using exactly that wording of: "Who might be very suited to try this?"

Anyway, not sure if anyone there can do it.

So don't get you hopes too high.

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