Neuroscience and Wittgenstein

Filip van den Bergh F.S.vandenBergh at nospam
Mon Oct 29 05:58:33 EST 2001

Liar42! I never agree with you on anything (well, almost never), and I
usually have no idea what you are talking about. You strike me as annoying
most of the time, but besides all of that I liked reading your posts. But
this is just offensive. I know you as much more poetic than that. I may be
somewhat disappointed (and you may not care).


> Comment I got  commented:
> << Thanks a lot! So you don't know anything about Wittgenstein (...).
>  Thats great, why didn't you just write that instead?<<
> You are just too stupid to understand the meaning of the words "me not".
> If you have a problem with my comment on mind systems, that is your

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