want to know about cavernous haemangioma

Sayyad Shueb sshueb at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 29 00:54:01 EST 2001

my brother is 23 of age and has large tumours on his left chest.it has
been there since his birth.it has been diagonised by doctors and
reported as cavernous haemangioma.sometimes when he plays or goes to
gym it starts bleeding which is very difficult to control.we had taken
him to a very famous doctor who used laser technology to stop bleeding
but did not do anything much after that and asked us whether we are
ready to take risk for his operation.we were afraid and came back.i
want to know whether it is curable.please help me out.if u know
anything related to this please answer to this.i would also appreciate
if anybody could help me out with some hospitals or doctors who are
good at handling this.
thank u.

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