Increased blood flow detected by fMRI scans?

Brian zhil at online.no
Sun Oct 28 18:04:46 EST 2001

"Richard Norman" <rsnorman at mediaone.net> skrev i melding
news:i6sott07ajfigad82qn7j8ru00ccq6o3pr at 4ax.com...
> I would guess that you are not a wet-lab hands-on neurobiologist.
> Otherwise, you would be a lot more cautious about these predictions.
> The ideas are interesting, but at this time merely blue-sky
> speculation.  In the lab, things go much more slowly.

Yep, my field is electronics................................
I wish things were easy, but then it wouldn't be interesting.
Anyway, I don't have access to a lab, so I'm reduced (sadly) to books and
theoretical castles-in-the-sky.
How about you, what kind of experience do you have ? I'm just
curious...........so please don't take offense.
At the rate of research, the quest for the inner secrets of the neuron
(which has partly been layed open) is going to progress quite rapidly; not
at the same rate as VLSI-circuits, but nontheless I'm optimistic.
What I've gathered is that research is done on the structural part of the
neural networks with fMRI etc.
That will take quite some time.
Question, I've gathered a lot from "Memory" which went in some detail about
the CA1-area,the CA3-area and the Entorhinal Cortex in the Hippocampus.
But are there any books <*sigh*> that goes into it in more detail, than the
quick and easy way that Kandel et al provided thorough their book ??
They're quite good, but they were focusing for the general reader, and so
skipped parts/details that might illuminate certain topics.

PS.Thanks for your feedback - it is a sort of reward that I appreciate, so
thanks for your time.

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