On Sun, 28 Oct 2001 15:25:13 +0100, "Brian" <zhil at online.no> wrote:
>"Richard Norman" <rsnorman at mediaone.net> skrev i melding
>news:pn6mttgh7tlsuhls4fb1efq65klvb53cca at 4ax.com...>> On Sat, 27 Oct 2001 20:10:05 +0200, "Brian" <zhil at online.no> wrote:
>> >If you can find a way to increase the production of CREB-1, you'll solve
>> >most problems.
>> >(CREB-1 initiates the production of synapses, and hence to enhance
>> >forget glutamate and other synaptic messengers).
>> >
>> >Brian
>> >
>> >> John H.
>> >
>>>> Lets see, now.
>>>> According to http://www.stanford.edu/~ewilhelm/Cumulus/CREB1.htm>> CREB1 is involved in Ovarian follicle growth and/or maturation,
>> Follicle atresia, Ovulation, Steroidogenesis, Luteinization .
>>>> And http://www.lf2.cuni.cz/physiolres/2000/issue3/iss3cl10.htm>> talks about CREB1 in T-lymphocytes stimulated by prostaglandin.
>>>> And http://www.socgenmicrobiol.org.uk/JGV/081/1057/0811057H.HTM>> says that CREB1 is involved in activation of Epstein-Barr virus.
>>>> And
>> involves CREB1 in linkage between stress and human cytomegaolvirus
>> infection.
>>>> See be careful what you ask for!
>>CREB-1: in "Memory" they're calling it 'the cAMP-response element binding
>Quote:"It is the action of the phosphorylated form of CREB-1 that switches
>on the genes needed to form long-term memory."
>>Excerpts general:
>"Following hormonal stimulation of a neuroendocrine cell, forexample,
>increased cAMP levels activate cAMP-dependent protein kinase A, which
>phosphorylates 1 or moreDNA-binding proteins. These in turn stimulate
>transcription of an array of cAMP-responsive genes. All cAMP-responsive gene
>promoters have in common an 8-base enhancer known as the cAMP-response
>element (CRE)containing a conserved core sequence, 5-prime-TGACG-3-prime,
>first described in the somatostatin gene by Montminy et al. (1986). Montminy
>and Bilezikjian (1987) purified a 43-kD nuclear phosphoprotein, which binds
>to CRE with highaffinity.Transcriptional activity of CREB requires
>phosphorylation of the protein on a serine residue at position 119. "
>>Last, I was thinking of the process IN the neuron, not in the ovarian
>granulosa cells................
I am well aware that CREB-1 (ala Kandel) is well established as a
major player in long-term plasticity in neurons). However, I believe
you did write (no doubt as a jocular suggestion): "If you can find a
way to increase the production of CREB-1, you'll solve most
problems.". Since CREB-1 is involved in a LOT of process besides the
neuronal one you mention, increasing CREB-1 is also likely to cause a
lot more problems. It would be interesting to find a technique to
selectively stimulate something like CREB-1 in only a particular
subset of cells. Targetting the response is a real problem, though.