Neuroscience and Wittgenstein

Liar42 liar42 at aol.com
Fri Oct 26 19:28:05 EST 2001

Comment I got  commented:

<< Thanks a lot! So you don't know anything about Wittgenstein (...).
 Thats great, why didn't you just write that instead?<<

You are just too stupid to understand the meaning of the words "me not".

If you have a problem with my comment on mind systems, that is your problem.

 > >I have a question about the connection between brain (not mind) <
 > Various of the mind systems are brain systems in my head.
 Therefore I regard it as an error to exclude them from brain systems.
 > >and language.<
 > Input or output?  And what there?
 > > field of brain scanning.<
 > (Fields ... actually lots of energies that can be used for some stuff. ;-)
 > >So does anybody know about anyone, who tried to discuss phenomenology and
 data of brain scannings on a Wittgenstein basis?<
 > Me not.   

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