Neuroscience and Wittgenstein

Niels Baden nielsbaden at stofanet.dk
Fri Oct 26 06:39:54 EST 2001

So you just didn't understand what I was talking about... That's alright!
"Liar42" <liar42 at aol.com> wrote in message
news:20011025072015.08327.00000090 at mb-fa.aol.com...
> >I have a question about the connection between brain (not mind) <
> Various of the mind systems are brain systems in my head.
> Therefore I regard it as an error to exclude them from brain systems.
> >and language.<
> Input or output?
> And what there?
> > field of brain scanning.<
> (Fields ... actually lots of energies that can be used for some stuff. ;-)
> >So does anybody know about anyone, who tried to discuss phenomenology and
> of brain scannings on a Wittgenstein basis?<
> Me not.
> Somehow with various texts including the term "phenomenology" I more
> idiots not concerning one brain system(s cluster) from the next and hazily
> generalizing around while making a bunch of errors.
> (Therefore I do not recall such ever interesting me much, not even enough
> find out what these people mean there exactly with that term, because what
> followed often was such a daft error mix, that I came to very much connect
> with it. But maybe I'm just a barbarian who prefers direct experiences for
> various brain aspects.)

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