"John H" <John at faraway.com.au> wrote in message
news:U3Dn7.4001$iH4.276415 at ozemail.com.au...
> Neurons do not replicate, there is now considerable evidence for stem cell
> activity in the adult CNS, even immature neurons generated in the dentate
> gyrus migrating to areas in the neocortex (one ref for that at least).
>> New neurons are probably always being produced at a basal rate, my GUESS
> that in response to damage this activity is upregulated. Learning new
> may also enhance neurogenesis but can't recall any evidence re this and
> seriously think that the timeframes for generating new neurons does not
> it viable for learning to occur through such a process. Takes too long
> basically, new memories can be formed in minutes and hours. New
> and each neurons can have thousands of these, is what allows new learning.
> Maybe, perhaps ... probably.
Have heard of neurologist propose system termed "Neurobics"
claims to have validating data, I haven't seen it.
>> Anyway, new neurons does not = increased intelligence. In the
> years there are certain tricks that can help maintain neuron numbers and
> health (eg enriched environment for rats, which even protects against
> trauma), but by adulthood new rules come into play. What does appear to be
> important is that anything upregulating growth factors can be very
> Eg. Mild aerobic exercises elevates growth factors, nerve growth factors
> amongst them, and with aging this can be important because growth factors
> are slowly declining over the years.
>> Be careful with tryptophan supplementation. Happened nearly two decades
> now, but some protein supplements were found to have v. high levels of
> tryptophan and this caused liver and kidney problems, severe problems.
Here again the problems were due to novel protiens produced by
*genetically* *engineered* tryptophan sources. Although the
people who suffered, some died, were taking innapropriately high
doses. However, it is worth noting that the problems would not
have occured with naturar non GE sources.
Now I know you're all thinking I'm spreading anti GE agitprop,
nevertheless the _facts_ have been already established, and
GE was implicated.
> very careful about such cocktails as you mention below. Dangerous and
> really knows if such cococtions work. Don't be silly and rely on your own
> 'feelings' either, even if you are getting an increase that does not mean
> you aren't doing damage over the long term.
Very true, Glutamate is a mildly pleasant and comfortable neurotransmitter
to stimulate, from a perceptive point of view, but rots neurones far
faster than sugar does teeth. So easy with the soy sauce.
>My personal belief is that over
> excitation of the brain is worse than under excitation, adding all these
> stimulators may boost brain power but at what long term cost. It's like
> depriving yourself of sleep for an extra couple of hours of thinking, keep
> it up and you'll start going backwards.
>>> raden <raden_gatutkacha at yahoo.com> wrote in message
> news:e6518a1.0109112030.51b087d4 at posting.google.com...> > "John H" <John at faraway.com.au> wrote in message
> news:<xBnn7.3593$iH4.250127 at ozemail.com.au>...
> > > 1.
> > >
> > > Neurons keep being produced well into adulthood. There are now MANY
> > > references to this effect.
> >
> > Raden:
> > Then how you produce more neuron...?
> >
> >
> > > 2.
> > >
> > > Neurons are the critical elements in intelligence, the others have
> to
> > > play but in the end in comes down to neurons.
> >
> > Raden:
> > How do we expand it?
> >
> >
> > P.S:
> > Im taking tryptophan with tryosine and piracetam, vinpocetine,
> > lucidril, hydergine...
> > IS it alright?
> > Is tryptophan can be mixed with other amino acid... or..?
> >
> > thanks
> > Will be apreciated
> >
> >
> > Original msg:
> > Neurons stop reproducing after infancy. But axons, dendrites, and
> > glial cells--which provide electrochemical connections between
> > neurons--keep growing as long as we keep learning. These
> > interconnections are far more important to intelligence than the
> > number of neurons in our brain
> > - How you increase axons, dendrites, and glial cells in brain..?