You Must Remember This

Bob bbruner at uclink4.berkeley.edu
Tue Oct 23 20:12:45 EST 2001

On Mon, 22 Oct 2001 21:51:55 +0200, "Brian" <zhil at online.no> wrote:

>"Bob" <bbruner at uclink4.berkeley.edu> skrev i melding
>news:3bd38ab4.40611050 at agate.berkeley.edu...
>> On Mon, 22 Oct 2001 02:33:02 +0200, "Brian" <zhil at online.no> wrote:
>> Their "big idea" is certainly speculative. But it does have something
>> behind it, and leads to expts. So it may be a useful idea, even if the
>> answer isn't exactly what they suggested. There are tantalizing hints
>> that somatic recomb is doing _something_ in neuro system.
>> (Brian... Did you get my private note?)
>No, Bob -I didn't.....


Hm... is your email address shown correct? In any case, I was offering
to send you a copy of the text part of the J Neuro Res paper (html
file, text only, about 110 k), if you don't have easy access. email me
if you want it.



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