>"The Celebral Code" sees the Cortex as a "battleground" between ideas,<
B.s. ... and lack of areas discernings.
> were sensations from outside AND long term memories provide the input by
which the ideas are initiated.<
A lot of ideas are initiated in my head by my own I.
>It basically starts in what they call the Hebbian cell-assembly.<
Your errors start more in your own I, that you ignore different systems
functions and ignore aspects about own I.
And instead get a fix in some hardware.
>There will of course be new ideas and new thoughts that will be initiated
and die, but the "strongest" one will through what he call the Darwinian
Machine develope and be presented as either as one part of a
string-of-thought, or an action.<
B.s., a lot of ideas development is to do with own I, and I do not regard that
as presentations, it is something that I do, and if I wish to make an action
*I* give out the orders for that.
As the other big action maker I regard the sequencer in my brain.
For example there might be some scratching or some other movement sequencer
with which I do not have that much to do.
But if I were to centrally veto, as long as I do that, I am still "higher"
>I have a better understanding now, than just 3 or 4 days ago.<
That escaped my attention so far.
>> The real question is, what are the neurons doing with the information?
>They deal with it quite well in "Memory".<
What, all neurons generalized, no systems discerning?
You do not seem a fast learner there.
> Classical Conditioning. That is part of what they call non-declarative memory
(unconscious memory).<
I do not call such so.
More like I use memory systems, other stuff seems to have use of other memory
systems, but for me it is then its memory systems.
Nothing to do with declarations or "non-declarative".
More like other systems in my head.
>Basically it's a 'free ride' now, as they dissect priming, perceptual
learning and emotional learning.<
To dissect emotion stuff if meaning that literally more sounds like atrocious
Apart from that different individuals feel differing emotions.
You are never going to be a good expert on what it feels like to be pregnant
for individual women.
Nor what it feels like for them to have the period time.
>Anyway, I think that approaching the Thalamus/Hippocampus will be easier too,
as I know a little more what they do.<
I more have my guesses there, and these include to not generalize too far in
the hippocampus for some aspects. CA3 is not the others, to simplify it down to
Apart from that I might find more remarkable what crimes are committed to
persons of related kinds in the greed for data there.
>I'm also saving up to buy myself an appartment (it isn't cheap in the
capitol of Norway, it reminds people of the living-cost in Tokyo.......).<
Yep, might be with many capitals that apartments {1 p} are a house there are
there is rather expensive in many areas.
In West-Berlin however I hope stuff gets cheaper there a bit, as the wall is no
longer around.
>So, as long as you repeat the basics over and over, so it will get stored in
long term memory, you'll see things in another perspective.<
Then watch it, Brian, that you do not store too many errors as facts.