
Liar42 liar42 at aol.com
Sun Oct 21 05:17:12 EST 2001

>"Liar42" <liar42 at aol.com> wrote in message
news:20011013220650.15187.00001852 at mb-fa.aol.com...

No, Liar42 did not write that:

> >And long term memory is NOT directly by itself connected to short term

Liar42 tends to discern between 5 different memory whatevers, of which the 4rth
is assumed to be multiple systems. And where the first 3, that are relevant for
Liar42's own I, are different systems in different positions in the brain.

Liar42 herewith objects any lies, and be it just to do with a computer system,
to have written anything like the above.

However it has happened on trips way ago in the past that the front did not
register connected, and I got sort of transited to another position in my brain
than my usual central limbic position, and there had to hang around a while
till front "onlined" to figure me out the stuff I needed it for to figure that
out for me.
But front is not all memory systems I use and with that the singular in the
quoted part is atypical and I do not tend to do that, and also I regard there
to be differing short term memory systems in my head, 
but I am not in the mood to go off into such stuff now. I believe before back
then Frank the Fevering neuroshrink pervert and me had some rounds, I had some
stuff on such.
{And at that time also understood more about some stuff, because in a wake of
an argument there I saw to quite a big data deletion in my brain, and that
happened to be memory correlations from my systems to another place and I
forget what it was that I kicked out, but back then was sure Franky probably
ain't gonna figure out 20% of that, whatever crimes against other mammal
persons and others he delights in. My personal gift to him and neuro (gift
means poison in German). So I don't really wanna do with that topic here much,

>This line has to be a bait. If not connected, then how is long term memory
ever initiated?<

Might not be a bait, seems more obvious there in the singularizings that
someone does not discern differing systems well.

> > no - it (LTM) is established in another domain directly and
> indirectly (through the Corpus Callosum, aka the Faux Fax of Calvin)<
> Why does that sound like b.s. to me?

>It is my understanding that Kandel and Co established LTM processes through
studying the humble Aplysia(snail), <

Even if to some with some discerning problems 
it might not be that obvious at first glance, 
actually I am not an Aplysia snail.

>which to the best of my knowledge is not in possession of a corpus callosum.<

And even if it had one, I would have assumed still from some neuro texts that
such is more to do with right&left transconnections.

> Not to mention any other number of species lacking the same but seem capable
of establishing LTM. <

That does still not make all our systems internally exactly the same.

>I think re reentrant <

>and probabilities and the reality <

Meaning what you find probably or what is really real?

>that the immune and cns are the only 2 memory systems capable of LTM <

What, all immune systems an all cns systems generalized?


But I shall set out immediately to ask my immune system what I had for

... "Odd", no answers, instead I seem to get the message that my vitamin
intakes could have been better lately, 
but also that they could have been worse.

I shall set off to eat some Kiwi.

Lol ...


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