>(...) I've been spurred to continue my education, and the
greatest problem is to integrate all the various theories into a holistic
Theories can be wrong and therefore to integrate them all into a holistic view
I regard as way more a way into errors
than to take given data and match it with internal data.
And concerning long term memory for me anything that leaves out that own I uses
(at least) two main memory systems and that there are systems to do with
specific other stuff, and instead generalizing all neurons, as if so differing
cells were all the same and no differences between sectors, sounds so
suspicious, that straight there if someone does not discern sector-specifically
I might have my doubts or straight assume that something is wrong in that
If neurons are generalized as if it were all systems with neurons, but the
stuff it is about is to do with specific systems in my brain and not all
systems that have neurons, I assume there is something wrong in that theory.
Else it would list more what is specifically in the long term memory sectors
that is not in other sectors.
Concerning sleep I have not considered structure reconfigurations yet, and more
considered that overloads might be evened out through dream sequences, but I
was not sure on that.
Also I often had the impression that my own reactions and some other systems in
functions seemed like older in reactions, sort of less modern.
To some people it might help if they were to list their exact questions (and
not to make errors there due to erratic assumptions taken as a base for
maybe not just for themselves, but also where others can read them, and then
more answers might be found.
>How to store the information for a lifetime ?
>Then here is were the structural ability comes in.
However if it is a generation of magic systems settings that were there in the
past, or alike enough ones,
then it might be more a question how that is done,
even if the hardware can be regarded rather relevant in that.
It might interest me more how that regeneration is done, and not so much if the
hardware is like this or that, unless the hardware is so altered that certain
memories can not be called up anymore because systems settings are too
differing. But in this case there might still be knowledge about various data,
just the upcall modes might seem to not longer be properly reached.
Different example: One might know there is a house in a certain place, but have
forgotten all the details.
Maybe that was not a very good example.
But I guess different people(s) tend to find different aspects in a head
(I am more interested in LSD and some magic systems' tuning aspects, than in
Westie science and hardware stuff.)