Hi newsgroup,
In the past days there have been a debate about the usage of DNA as part of
Long Term memory.
I opposed that because I knew that DNA as a blueprint is stable, and it is
very difficult to change the sequence naturally if we exclude mutation(s).
Today I was reading in "Memory: From Mind to Molecules" were DNA as a
blueprint are used to manufacture proteins for Long Term Potentiation
(CERB-1 for promoting, and CERB-2 for inhibition).
Thanks to Liar42, I've been spurred to continue my education, and the
greatest problem is to integrate all the various theories into a holistic
To Yan.King.Yin; I read about the neurons ability to create new synapses
at-the-fly (to store LT memories), and I remember your theory were sleep is
used to reconfigure the structure.
They said the same thing, that Long Term memory might be a structural
And think of this; from the Short Term memory the information is 'floating',
if the 'pressure' is great enough - then it will promote growth of synapses
and ensure that the inforamtion is stored as Long Term memories.
But the problem is that it will only work for a periode, and whittle down.
How to store the information for a lifetime ?
Then here is were the structural ability comes in.
The new memory creates growth, and habituation weed out the unecessary
synapses, thus a _structural_ change.
This coincidences with your theory almost point to point !!!