Protein effects on mood?

John H. John at faraway.com.au
Thu Oct 18 23:17:15 EST 2001


Never heard of such a thing though I know that some vegetarians have to
prepare their diets carefully. Hey, the reports of improved mood may relate
to all those growth hormones and god knows what else they put in cattle and
chooks these days (chickens are a worry, I know a few people who simply
refuse to eat chicken anymore). If anything, a well thought out vegie diet
should be better for brain function. A slight iron deficiency maybe for some
vegetarians, I have heard that iron is poorly absorbed in greens but much
greater uptake for meat, so perhaps you're slightly anemic?

John H.

"The Shark" <theshark at ihug.com.au> wrote in message
news:3BCEC4EC.1010102 at ihug.com.au...
> I have been vegetarian for many years - forgive me if this is unrelated
> to this newsgroup - and have now started eating small amounts of red
> meat.  Apparantly this will improve my mood as some proteins are
> required for healthy brain function - is this correct?
> Thanks,
> Ian

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