"Filip van den Bergh" <F.S.vandenBergh at nospam@students.fss.uu.nl> skrev i
melding news:9qmq7u$ftm$1 at newshost.accu.uu.nl...
> It's "its".
>> "It's" is a contraction of "it" and "is", such as in "It's fine".
>> "Its" is used in posession, such as "Liar42s post"
>> Posession is not really the word I'd use, because it may be strange to say
> the limits are posessed by it., But I think you get the idea (as I think
> are smart).
>> What is your first language?
Your's are probaly Dutch if your email is correct.
"Ik ist bly".
> Filip, not a native speaker as well.
>> Liar42 <liar42 at aol.com> wrote in message
> news:20011017011728.01757.00000275 at mb-cm.aol.com...> > >It sounds like Lysenkoism to me.<
> >
> > What is Lysenkoism?
> >
> > (My English, as a foreign langue for me, has it's limits.
> >
> > Actually I am not even sure if it is it's or its?)
> >
> >