Doctor Procter,
I know Jacques very well. He would have answered this query himself, but he
is currently suffering from a painful repetitive motion injury.
"Dr. Johnathon Procter" <vanboxter at> wrote in message
news:1humst89165u34s3rh1gla8kj0av6mjjcc at
>> Dan,
> Believe it or not, I have heard of this before. It is most
> likely related to a nerve bundle found on the top portion of your left
> testicle. This bundle has a part in taste determination, smell, as
> well as high pitched auditory frequencies; a lot of the information is
> processed here. The cluster of nerve cells here is called the Node of
> Mehoff, discovered in 1947 by Parisian psychologist, Dr. Jacques
> Mehoff. Perhaps you ENT has heard of this... Or if not, he probably
> has the resources to find out. Please let me know if this advice is of
> any use to you.
>> Best of Luck,
>> Dr. Johnathon Procter (Dr. Jon)
>>vanboxter at>>>>>>> On 10 Oct 2001 01:30:11 -0700, mregevas at (Dan) wrote:
>> >olfactory bulb,salt taste bud sensors, ear sensors.
> >
> >I have these symptoms parosmia when smelling strong smells, a salty
> >taste on the left side of my tongue, and ringing in the ears, I was
> >wondering if there were nerves that could cause at least two of these.
> >
> >I've been to an ENT who couldn't find anything. These are my only
> >symptoms.
> >
> >Could any of these be related by a nerve that runs through the whole
> >pathway.
> >Any suggestions of what could it be?
> >
> >Thanks
> >
> >Mr Egevas