Cell cultures

Bob Hartley r.hartley at bio.gla.ac.uk
Mon Oct 15 12:54:04 EST 2001

In article <9qdmga$o52$1 at seagoon.newcastle.edu.au>,
 "Nicholas King" <nicholas.king at studentmail.newcastle.edu.au> wrote:

> Where can i learn about how people do these cell cultures of neurons on the
> web? My curiousity has been tweaked....
> Yours Sincerely Zeddie

do a web search for Caroly McEwan who cultured SHSY5Y on substrates. 
Here thesis is on Keith Wansboroughs site at cam.ac.uk

she has a nice optimisation section in the materials and methods that 
has bee adapted by Glaxo or Pfizer etc.

bob; Sunny Scotland

Robert Hartley
Spinal Cord Research Group
University of Glasgow. Glasgow G12 8QQ
mail: r.hartley at bio.gla.ac.ukWeb : 

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