Liar42 <liar42 at> wrote:
>>> It has been proven that various electromagnetic waves that were
> artificially generated can cause cancer in mammals and mutations in algea.<<
>> Those were science experiments, I did not make them up.
I do not say you were making them up, I am saying that those studies
were not convincing and most studies come to the other conslunion.
> Then let me guess, them scientists who claimed they do just made it up.
Not necessarily. Scientists make errors, and when others try to
replicate the result and do not succeed it shows that the original
report was a chance finding and not reliable.
> As far as I recall chances to get cancer increased more than triple
> in the abuse mammals who were tortured with artificially generated electro
> magnetic vibes forced into them till they got to them results.
Well, even experimental animal research should use methods at least
remotely comparable to the real situation.
> You can talk a long time against that, that was a reference to scientific
> stuff.
Look C, I am trained to review "scientific stuff" and evaluate if it is
reliable or not. That is why it is so difficult to make me believe
> But maybe to DAGian logic these are just erratic alerts that systems make up
> for no reason at all, ...
Could be. People scare easily. I scare less easily than most, and still
I sometimes get scared of things that only seem to be.
> Let me guess, there is of course no context between that where I lived in
> Berlin I got high cancer alert and had times where about every third guest
> complained about that artificial vibes where I live are uncomfortable,...
Most highly "civilized" environments do contain more cancer-causing
factors than more natural ones. Also, in a developed country, it is
difficult to hide from cancer-causatives. But still the genetic
propensity for cancer is an important thing. Personally, I have NO
cancer in my ancestry, so I can believe that the exposure would have to
be high for me personally to develop cancer, say, under 80 years of age.
Still, had I been a smoker, this good genetic background would not serve me
> ... Actually in LSD brain akasha surfing I tend to get high disturbances
> already from fridges, and of course also electric light, though that is lower
> than many other powers.
Hmm. Interesting to be so sensitive. I feel NOTHING from all these
gadgets... Somebody should make controlled studies of your "powers".
> But maybe for you it is chance that a number of people complained in my flat
> about artificial energies being uncomfortable and that I had cancer danger
> warnings there, though I got more used to it,
Well, if you REALLY feel these things, it is quite sensational and
should be studied so "neuros" would become convinced that you really can
sense these energy fields and not just imagine.
> BTW, I guess you sure have the big explanation why in many cities in Europe
> cancer occurs more often, and that is in your explanation nothing to do with
> way more artificial vibes than one tends to encounter in rural areas and way
> less natural vibes.
Well, let me repeat: "civilization" and urban milieus contain more
cancer-causing factors. This at least is fact.
-- Dag Stenberg