On Fri, 12 Oct 2001 21:45:41 +1000, "John H." <John at faraway.com.au>
>Thanks for the update. Here in Aus Youth suicide is the first or second
>killer of youth. So I wonder about all this ecstasy ... . However, there may
>be a 'second wave' of attrition, in about 20 years maybe, all those who
>thought no harm was done.
>>>John H.
I think the suicide stat would be echoed in most western countries.
While I don't think you can blame any one factor, beyond perhaps a
generalised societal malaise, about 25% of those that develop
anxiety/panic disorders take their own lives. For depression its about
15%. MDMA seems to be a potent trigger of mood disorders, so its
undoubtedly is having some effect on suicide rates, and given its
growing popularity, that can only become worse. :-(
However, in my younger days the drugs were alcohol and nicotine both of
which were used by a greater percentage of teenagers/young adults than
is probably the case with Ecstasy/Heroin/Cocaine etc now. The first
killed quite a few of my young friends in car "accidents" and the like,
and the second is now starting to claim those who survived into middle
age, so I don't think we can get on too high a horse.