Wavelet transform of the EEG reveals differences in low and high gamma responses to elementary visual stimul

Liar42 liar42 at aol.com
Sat Oct 13 23:20:51 EST 2001

>The purpose of this study was to determine whether or not gamma band
oscillatory activity in the human brain is modulated by attributes of
elementary visual stimulation.<

Concerning back occipital in magic links in LSD akasha surfing it makes
differences what I tune for, like if the main aiming is for some energies of
another back occipital cortex or if the main aiming is more to extend energies
out from there and busy myself more with the contemplation of some room

I do not find to discern between just 2 energy level aspects so relevant, as
magic for me seems more like thousands of groups.

Back occipital belongs in magic to the sort of "broadband" areas compared to
some others who can not be as easily tuned for are are seeming more

In magic energy levels depend a lot on what own I is tuning for.

Like the blackish ones tend to be low energy, and there are different sorts,
higher and lower energied ones,

and the whitish ones tend to be high energy sorts, that someone also like for
their high transfer speeds, but which after a concussion can be a bit much for
a damaged brain area (or at least I found that to be so in my head).

These were of course just very simplified examples, as there are so many energy
sorts and so many regions one can central set the focus for.

It more meant that own I is relevant in energy decisions.

Reminding me, someone told me that her meditation teacher had a certificate
from a hospital that he was clinically dead, 
and O.K., I was not there to watch if some meditation expert can actually tune
down so far that on their measuring devices he registers dead, but about
meditation experts tuning down to theta I heard several times, and rumours
about delta.

I believe alone there it is obvious that if own I is trained in energy controls
that what own I wishes might be found more relevant than the occipital cortex
generalized with no subdivisions being made there.



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