
Liar42 liar42 at aol.com
Sat Oct 13 22:46:28 EST 2001

> dropped acid everyday,<

Even I old acidhead do not recall ever taking it three evenings in a row.

>Apart from that though, I had no warrant to claim that LSD causes brain
damage, rather operating on rather broad assumptions<

I thought so, as I never heard of that before.

Not that I say there are no damages, just I never heard of cell death there.

Also there is not the sort of headache that might come after drinking a lot of
alc that feels like there were also cells dying, sometimes even sort of a
serial feeling, as if several cells in a row died.
(Not that I know how much there is to that.)

> (that anything that increases brain activity over a long time is often
causing cell death) <

Then thinking a lot very much about stuff should cause cell death.

I do not regard it so.

More that maybe receptor molecule numbers go down if there is too much of a
transmitter registered in context with taking a drug so often, that it messes
up internal levels.

>and I do not know of any evidence to clearly demonstrats LSD causes brain

Nor have I ever heard of that.

Kidney damages I regard as more relevant than bain damages, concerning LSD.

>Timothy Leary may have been alive and kicking to a good old age<

75 years from what I heard.

On a photo, about which a newspaper claimed that it was his last, he looked
rather content and merry.

> and so to Hoffman<

Is he dead by now and if so at what age did he die?

> but you might want to consider that these were also two rather
knowledgeable men who took the appropriate measures. <

Actually Hofmann the first times got quite a load in.

>They didn't just take the drugs, they probably (well, with Leary after the
initial craziness ... )
were much more careful than your average Joe or Jill in taking steps to
minimizing the potential bad effects of the drug.<

LSD is LSD, however you take it. If anything it is said about Tim that he tried
to get at clean stuff.

But if one takes it, it is not good for the kidneys, and I never heard of a
minimizing effect there.

The drug is that drug, and I believe they often just took it. 

But feel free to elaborate on how to "minimize the potential bad effects" of

> Ecstasy. Lots of people are warning about the brain damage that follows
sustained ecstasy use. This is not news, you don't have to believe me, enough
research has been done. <

I did not say that I believe ecstasy makes no damages.

I believe I mentioned somewhere that I just took it a few times.
No warning about it might keep me from on and off taking it, but so far that
was about every one or two years maybe once, and there partially not even a
full tablet.

>Here's a couple:<

Thanks for that list.

>and the concentration of 5-HT uptake sites returned to control levels at 12
months <

So does that mean the damages heal?

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