
Liar42 liar42 at aol.com
Sat Oct 13 21:06:50 EST 2001

>consciousness, which I think is _the_ most important part of the book (for

How of the consciousnesses?

Just one area in the brain is regarded to have consciousness and all the rest
is ignored as to wether there is awareness of own existing or not,  or what?

>There is no need for much feedback <

That might depend on what it is.

>BTW I don't think the Thalamus is the first filter either, but it might be
the first _combined area_-filter (an active filter).<

I have not regarded it as a filter much so much, as I am not the thalamus, and
therefore if I wish to know something or am not interested in something I find
rather independent as such of the thalamus.

>And long term memory is NOT directly by itself connected to short term

Apart from that you do not discern which of the long term memory systems, with
two of them my own I is getting data from there, so we are connected.

> no - it (LTM) is established in another domain directly and
indirectly (through the Corpus Callosum, aka the Faux Fax of Calvin)<

Why does that sound like b.s. to me?

Have you ever bothered to consider the Corpus Callosum as transconnections
between brain halves?

> (...) When ideas compete (in our brains) for attention,<

Hae?! If I have ideas, they do not compete for attention, but I have them and
think about them.

Say I were to consider if it is better to call you an idiot or some nutter who
mistakes his belief for fact and therefore writes b.s. like facts,
then there is no competition for attention, they are just parallel options,
where I might consider their values, like that one is shorter and the other
more explicit, etc.

What however might distract me just slightly is the laughter in the wake of my
charming diplomacy.


> they occupy hexagonal areas (Hebb's cell-assembly),<

Now, if you were an Amargeddon player I might wonder if you stared too long at
some hexagons there.

Some day maybe bother to notice that neither all brain cells nor magic systems
or whatever you call energy systems in the brain 
are tending to be all in hexagonal stages in the brain.

> and the one with the greatest area usually wins.<

Total b.s.

My own I is with a lot of decisions thinking about the stuff, having sort of
front processing powers to enable longer concentration, more parallel
processing capacities and detail memory storing capacities there,

and while I consider different stuff of a lot of relevance might be that front
is connected and cooperating O.K., as else thinking about one aspect the other
might be forgotten, irregardless how relevant it was.

As long as systems function O.K., areas to do with processing depend on my
processing requests, and so depending on these central focus might be into one
system very much or to do with various.

Alone if I were to compare body sensory data to that of my head to find out
which one is feeling more uncomfortable and which one more comfortable, there
would be differing access and systems' usuage for that.

Also if I were to make a decision that is to do with rather differing systems,
like if I rather fetch something to drink because I am thirsty or rather
continue to write a post because in between that annoying AOL program might
just crash, so that even if I save in bewteen what I write it might be more
my interests there might be relevant and other aspects, like how high the
thirst is and roughly how long I believe it might take to finish a RE.

The decision there is made by me and not some bigger area b.s.

>William called it his Darwin Machine, <

Sounds like an insult to Darwin, unless he came up with such mental b.s., too.

>and all I can say is that I'm awed over his intelligence.<

Hexagonal b.s.?

One might be more awed over your degree of "intelligence", but for differing

>But alas, I still have to study more - <

Good idea.

Maybe also study how to not confuse your belief, irregardless how erratic it
is, with facts.

>so I'm going to read "Memory - From Mind to Molecules" by Larry R.Squire and
Eric R.Kandel.<

The title already indicates that differing memory systems are not discerned and
causes some doubts on if with mind there will be some definition as to which
systems in the head&body are counted in and which ones are not counted in and
where the author has not decided yet if to count these in or not under the term

Not that the topic of molecules might not be interesting in context with memory
systems, but one might assume that living persons might not be very willing to
allow others to open their skull and mess around in there, so that one might
wonder how much committing pervert crimes to persons of related kinds might
have been taken as a base for considerations there.

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