
dag.stenberg at nospam.helsinki.fi dag.stenberg at nospam.helsinki.fi
Sat Oct 13 10:00:52 EST 2001

John H. <John at faraway.com.au> wrote:
> Dag,
> I have evidence that NO inactivates Tryptophan hydrox ... following up
> something on ecstasy stumbled upon this:
> The recent demonstration that TPH is inactivated by NO in vitro (Kuhn and
> Arthur, 1996, 1997) establishes the possibility that this important brain
> enzyme is susceptible to inactivation by NO in vivo and could form the basis
> for loss of TPH activity when NO levels are elevated in brain (e.g.,
> amphetamine-induced).

OK, so NO can inactivate TPH and presumably then cause depletion of 5HT,
but how can ingestion of carbohydrates improve serotonin levels 
during continued TPH inactivation, when one would expect the 
remaining TPH to be fully saturated already?

Dag Stenberg

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