A few questions about Neuro-related PhD programs

DylanDavidWagner dylandavidwagner at yahoo.ca
Sat Oct 13 00:32:19 EST 2001

   I'm currently finishing up my undergrad in psych and am hunting
around for possible graduate schools and programs. At the moment I'm
torn between low level visual perception (retinal and slightly higher).
And (as if my mind wishes to make life dififcult for me) high level
visual perception and perceptual disorders (agnosia, neglect etc.).
Funny but mid level perception is boring to me. :)

        There's a lab or two in low level visual pereception that I
might apply to but what I'm stumped on is the higher level bit. I think
if I pursue that angle then neurpsychology would be the program of
choice. I'd very much like to follow the clinical and research angle as
much as possible with emphesis on perecptual disorders resulting from
brain trauma. However I'm completely at a loss as to whether this is
even viable, and if so, which schools? In truth what do
neuropsychologist researchers/clinicians do (I know there's plenty who
do both)?
Is there even an interest on the part of funding bodies and universities
to pursue research into perceptual disorders. I'm facinated by neglect
syndromes and would love to further study and research in that area but
it's quite difficult to figure out where to go. Does anyone have any
thoughts as to possible universities and doctors
I might wish to look into?

             Thanks again, any and all suggestions and help will be much


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