Cardinal Chunder <xxxx at> wrote:
>Michael Painter wrote:
>> Newton was a nut also.
>> Read the whole article to see what others think about this.
>Newton isn't even mentioned in the article, but regardless his ideas
>might have been "out there" but he had the proof to back them up.
>>The same cannot be said of *anything* paranormal where there is not the
>slightest shred of proof that psychic powers, telepathy or clairvoyancy
>exist in any way, shape or form.
Wrong. Don't let your preconceptions and personal beliefs
color your scientific objectivity- that was Brian
Josephson's point. If you do so, then you are no better than
the church silencing Galileo because his evidence disagreed
with established beliefs. LOOK at legitimate research into
PSI phenomena, don't just assume- it will surprise you.
Not proof of anything yet- but enough evidence that there is
something going on that we do not yet understand.
That mentality is what has hurt study in this field for
decades, creating a catch-22. If a legitimate scientist even
suggests it is an area worth investigating, he is labeled a
crackpot, does not get funding, and does not get published.
That is more than enough to scare away anyone other than
crackpots from studying the field, thus creating a
self-fulfilling prophecy. It is only recently that such
studies are beginning to gain legitimacy, thanks to people
like Professor Josephson.
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