DHEA for Mental Function in Advanced AIDS

howard.olson at juno.com howard.olson at juno.com
Fri Oct 12 13:01:40 EST 2001

In article <3bc47767.5108048 at nntp.sprynet.com>, James Michael Howard says...
>It is my hypothesis that the symptoms of AIDS result from the loss of DHEA of
>AIDS.  Here is a new abstract showing usefulness of DHEA in "mental funcion" in
>"patients with advanced HIV disease."
>Clin Endocrinol (Oxf) 2001 Sep;55(3):325-330	
>"Double-blind placebo-controlled trial of oral dehydroepiandrosterone in patients
>with advanced HIV disease"
>Piketty C, Jayle D, Leplege A, Castiel P, Ecosse E, Gonzalez-Canali G, Sabatier B,
>Boulle N, Debuire B, Le Bouc Y, Baulieu EE, Kazatchkine MD.
>"OBJECTIVE: Plasma levels of dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate (DHEA-S) decrease
>with the progression of HIV disease. Here, we report on the efficacy and safety of
>the oral administration of DHEA as replacement therapy, in patients with advanced
>HIV disease, in a trial that was primarily aimed at assessing quality of life.
>DESIGN: The trial was randomized and double-blind. Thirty-two patients were
>allocated to either DHEA 50 mg per day for 4 months (n = 14) or a matching placebo
>(n = 18). Clinical data, virological and immunological surrogate markers of HIV
>infection, plasma levels of DHEA-S and the Medical Outcomes Study HIV Health
>Survey (MOS-HIV) quality of life scale were recorded every month. RESULTS: The
>mean age of the patients was 40 +/- 11 years. The mean CD4 cell count at baseline
>was 32.5 +/- 32.4 x 106/l. The mean DHEA-S plasma level at baseline was 5.23 +/-
>0.76 &mgr;mol/l. No side-effects related to DHEA occurred during the study. A
>statistically significant increase in the levels of DHEA-S was observed in the
>treated group throughout the study (P < 0.01). A significant improvement in the
>Mental Health and Health Distress dimension of MOS-HIV was observed in the DHEA
>treated group; P = 0.001 and 0.004, respectively. No change in CD4 cell counts was
>seen during follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: The administration of DHEA in patients with
>advanced HIV infection results in improved mental function scores as assessed by
>the MOS-HIV quality of life scale."
Intrigueing results. This could tie in with aromatisation of DHEA and the
protective effects of catecholestrogens as well.


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