Royal Mail's Nobel guru in telepathy row

Charles Kent-Davies chaz at bored.demon.co.uk
Fri Oct 12 12:42:19 EST 2001

Cardinal Chunder wrote in message <3BC723DD.6070905 at xxxx.com>...
>Michael Painter wrote:
>> Newton was a nut also.
>> Read the whole article to see what others think about this.
>Newton isn't even mentioned in the article, but regardless his ideas
>might have been "out there" but he had the proof to back them up.
>The same cannot be said of *anything* paranormal where there is not the
>slightest shred of proof that psychic powers, telepathy or clairvoyancy
>exist in any way, shape or form.

Newton was also an alchemist, and he had some weird ideas about religion. I
suspect the original poster had this in mind.


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