
Liar42 liar42 at aol.com
Thu Oct 11 01:26:57 EST 2001

> I think all moral structures are dreams,<

I do not regard it so. More like aspects to do with example that if all humans
ran around, killed whoever has something they do not or whoever opens his mouth
to sy anything they do not like or do not agree with, humanity might wipe
itself out real fast and life be not as comfortable as when humans do not do

Also partially they can be regarded like regulation systems in a society, where
also parts might be adapted to the area.

(For example Ramadan.)

... Let's take a practical example from Berlin:

I brought down the junk and from second floor an old woman starts to shout down
where I have been that long (referring to that for a while I had not been in

I did not really feel like shouting back up to over 2 dozen other flats about
where I was and whatever questions she then had,
and do not like that old woman particularily, to the opposite,
but it would be rather rude to shout back up:"Shut your ugly gob, 
you old crutch, that's none of your business!"

If still having to live with someone in the same building, it might not be the
wisest politics to shout something like that.

So I found me in the situation to shout back up where I had been.

Several times her questions and my answers going forth and back.

Again, to shout up the question if her decrepit brain has already shrunk so far
that she daft fossil ain't get I gonna be up them stairs after I finished with
the garbage, anyway, and pass her door, where she unfortunately happens to
live, and then she can get on my nerves there instead of hollering over the
yard as if everyone wished to hear her voice ...   That might not score well on
future correlations.

At times it might not even be moral so much as heeding at least to some extent
that one is still going to have certain people living near where one does, and
that to heed a certain politelness, little as one might feel like it, might see
to "relations" not getting to war-like stages.

"Dreams" not in the sleep-dream meaning
might be more to design a sort of utopia ideal (as I have been liking to do at
where one might doubt that humans will ever live like that, but might still
find it personally a rather good way if they were to.

> but we tend to have differing views of the sky.<

Many of us might agree that the sun can be seen or that it is raining or

(On the age of the universe one can have differing opinions,
so I for example find it rediculous if some try to date it to not even 20
billion years while not even knowing where it ends.)

... In various obvious basics one might agree, however when it comes to what is
not so obvious or where certain persons do not like something to be obvious and
rather believe something else,
there believes that might be partially treated like facts might go rather far

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