
Liar42 liar42 at aol.com
Thu Oct 11 01:00:33 EST 2001

>All embracing, Spinoza believed that everything is conscious.<

I can't say that I noticed the big consciousness in a plastic chair.


> In a nutshell.<

Nor, taking that literally, in cracked nutshells after I ate the nut.

>I never did like Western philosophy, most of it struck me as a waste of

Agreed. Particularily bad I found US Ph.D.-"philosphers", like one seemed to
believe that having taken some courses at some university or whatever now made
him a philosopher, and I did not read one sentence I found philodophically
valuable of the man yet.

However from Greece Socrates and Diogenes I found interesting.

And I also count Douglas Adams among the philosphers of our age, and also
particularily liked the scene where 2 philosphers protest against getting the
answer from the "machine" Deep Thought 
to the meaning of life, the universe and everything (or something like that). 
... I enjoyed various of the jokes on philosphy there.

>> (I suspect we are not talking about a horned and horny guy with a reed
pipe here ... ;-)

> The only pan piper I know is the one leading my country.<

I had meant Pan. (Mythology of Greece?)

>Who makes the laws anyway? <

Correlations between differing stages of akasha?

Or homo chimps trying to rule others and hinder real freedom?

>Sheldrake claims to have proved that animals have esp
and if you speak to some animal owners they will reply, "that's a surprise?"
Don't know what to make of it<

For me that esp stuff tends to sound like parapsychology b.s.

They take magical aspects, rename them with silly terminology, and the
understanding there seems so limited that they call stuff to do with internal
magic systems something extra, ignoring that they are internal and not extra,
but belong there. 

At least that is my opinion on that.

So I don't give much to their bla usually.

My summoned up opinion so far about their stuff:

Magic more limited and transformed into silly terminology mixed with loads of
superstition that are often rather wrong and often treated like facts.

> but at my age I'm no longer surprised at what pops up in the universe.<

How old are you?

I might still be.

>Then there is Peter Singer, the Australian philosopher now at Princeton and 

raising hell in his usual style.<
> Yes, we have seriously under estimated animal consciousness <

I might not regard me as your we, and also I tend to regard consciousnesses in
the plural, all the more in us mammal persons.

(With many others I have no idea how many systems there have self-existing / I

>Nature is without care for its creatures.<

Nature is of those who are natural, and not some independent of these whatever.

Who care there depend on who it are.

And there are those who care, and in various kinds.

> The "natural fallacy" concept of G E Moore, 1902, <


>which seems to be largely overlooked on both sides of the genetic debate these

Which two sides?

> You have your ideas about what is good and just.<

Ahm, but I might be too egocentric to follow these very far, and might
therefore not contemplate various maybe as far as I should.

However there are various ideas what is not correct, and there are also quite a
number that are shared by most in rather differing human cultures.

Like that it is not fine to bang some old granny one over the head to grab her
purse. That generally to just walk up to a stranger and grab the results of his
hard work from his hands to steal them or murder him.

That to beat up babies is not correct.

That it is not nice to go to the neighbour next door, kill him, and prepare his
body parts for food and stick his head as a decoration on a garden fence post
or something like that.

That it is not the most well-educated behaviour to take someone's bible or
another religious book of similar significance for that person, rip out
randomly a bunch of pages and go to the toilet to wipe one's arse with them.

That it is not the best behaviour to drive past someone in the desert short of
dying with thirst, wave a water bottle, shout:"I got it and you don't, hehe!"
... And drive on.

So all in all there are various behaviour aspects were a vast part of the human
population of many different cultural groups might agree that certain
behaviours are not good.

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