
dag.stenberg at nospam.helsinki.fi dag.stenberg at nospam.helsinki.fi
Wed Oct 10 14:40:28 EST 2001

John H. <John at faraway.com.au> wrote:
> post trip also have good
> carbohydrate based meals to boost serotonin synthesis back up, as the
> oxidants created will also destroy tryosine hydroxlase, necessary for
> synthesis. Good fish meal too(deep sea, lots of oil), or get some good fatty
> acids to help limit the damage.

You mean tryptophan hydroxylase (tyrosine h. is for catecholamines).
I agree that a carbohydrate meal boosts tryptophan levels in the brain,
but how can that increase serotonin levels if there is lack of
tryptophan hydroxylase??

Dag Stenberg

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