Why Be Awake? (Re: A Theory of Sleep)

Brian zhil at online.no
Tue Oct 9 14:04:22 EST 2001

"Filip van den Bergh" <F.S.vandenBergh at students.fss.uu.nl> skrev i melding
news:9pu9jp$b7m$1 at newshost.accu.uu.nl...
> yan king yin <y.k.y@(no spam please)lycos.com> wrote in message
> news:9pnkq8$jjs14 at imsp212.netvigator.com...
> I disagree. I believe there is a careful balance between the two, in that
> animal walks around as much as it can afford.

Yin, I have to agree with Filip on this - energy is hard to come by
naturally and if an animal can find a cost-effective way around this
problem; they will.
And it also support my own 'battery-depletion' theory too.
Well, I think of it as mine, but it is public :-)


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