KArnosky And roots

Christian Arriagada carriagada at machi.med.uchile.cl
Tue Oct 9 13:36:30 EST 2001

Sorry, a good text is "Histological and Histochemical Methods: Theory and Practice"
author: J.A. Kiernan. 1983. Pergamon Press.
Good luck

Christian Arriagada wrote:

> Hi, generally the good Histochemistry text are very older, and the great masters
> in the area that you are interested are Ramon and Cajal, very older!!!. To stain
> mielin, the best source is to use post fixation in osmium tetroxide (1% final
> concentration) and potasium ferrocyanide(NOT FERRICYANIDE) (1.5% final
> concentration). and electron microscopy to observe the results, it's procedure
> increase the lipid staining (mielin staining) and it's no difficult. To stain
> cholinesterase, there are several methods and this are based on it's activity.
> You have to use acetiylthiocholine iodide as substrate (it's the Koelle and
> Friedenwald method) and I've good results using this procedure.
> Christian
> chakraba wrote:
> > Could someone send me the recipe for myelin and cholinesterase staining in
> > spinal roots please.
> > I am told Karnovsky and roots is the best bet. However, cannot find any
> > histochemistry text here that is after 1965!
> > Any ideas as to what might be better?
> > I am trying to stain the myelin to see the change in myelination, a quick
> > and dirty measure, not really going in to the nitty gritty of it.
> > Thanks
> > S Chakrabarty
> >
> > __________________________________________________________________
> >
> > S CHAKRABARTY, PhD (CANTAB) Tel: 204 7893770
> > Dept of Physiology  Fax: 204 7893930
> > The University of Manitoba E-mail: samit at scrc.umanitoba.ca
> > 730 William Avenue
> > Winnipeg, Manitoba
> > R3E 3J7
> >
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> --
> Christian Arriagada Abarzúa
> Programa de Morfología
> ICBM, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Chile
> Casilla 70079, Correo 7, Santiago, Chile.
> Fono: (562) 6786075
> Fax:    (562) 6786264

Christian Arriagada Abarzúa
Programa de Morfología
ICBM, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Chile
Casilla 70079, Correo 7, Santiago, Chile.
Fono: (562) 6786075
Fax:    (562) 6786264

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