Hi, generally the good Histochemistry text are very older, and the great masters
in the area that you are interested are Ramon and Cajal, very older!!!. To stain
mielin, the best source is to use post fixation in osmium tetroxide (1% final
concentration) and potasium ferrocyanide(NOT FERRICYANIDE) (1.5% final
concentration). and electron microscopy to observe the results, it's procedure
increase the lipid staining (mielin staining) and it's no difficult. To stain
cholinesterase, there are several methods and this are based on it's activity.
You have to use acetiylthiocholine iodide as substrate (it's the Koelle and
Friedenwald method) and I've good results using this procedure.
chakraba wrote:
> Could someone send me the recipe for myelin and cholinesterase staining in
> spinal roots please.
> I am told Karnovsky and roots is the best bet. However, cannot find any
> histochemistry text here that is after 1965!
> Any ideas as to what might be better?
> I am trying to stain the myelin to see the change in myelination, a quick
> and dirty measure, not really going in to the nitty gritty of it.
> Thanks
> S Chakrabarty
>> __________________________________________________________________
>> S CHAKRABARTY, PhD (CANTAB) Tel: 204 7893770
> Dept of Physiology Fax: 204 7893930
> The University of Manitoba E-mail: samit at scrc.umanitoba.ca> 730 William Avenue
> Winnipeg, Manitoba
> R3E 3J7
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Christian Arriagada Abarzúa
Programa de Morfología
ICBM, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Chile
Casilla 70079, Correo 7, Santiago, Chile.
Fono: (562) 6786075
Fax: (562) 6786264