subdural hematoma

Christian Arriagada carriagada at machi.med.uchile.cl
Tue Oct 9 12:52:38 EST 2001

Don't worry, it's not a tumor, but it's a pathology of great medical care. The
calcification, probably are due to the time transcurred between the origin of
the pathology and the clinical diagnosis (CAT).

EM wrote:

> Hello --
> My wife, after a day or two of severe migraine headache and blurring of
> vision behind her left eye, had a CAT scan today, and the doctor determined
> that it was a subdural hematoma, which had become a cyst with some
> calcification.  Since it's behind her left eye, it's right by her brainstem.
> She is going in for MRI Wednesday and to see a chief neurologist Thursday.
> We don't know if the cyst is really a tumor and malignant yet.  This all has
> been a shock to us.  If anyone can shed some more light on this, I'd
> appreciate very much.  What's the next step?  If the cyst or the tumor is
> malignant, how dangerous is the surgery?  I would love to get any advice
> from a neurosurgeon.  We are in NYC.  Thank you very much.
> Ellis.

Christian Arriagada Abarzúa
Programa de Morfología
ICBM, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Chile
Casilla 70079, Correo 7, Santiago, Chile.
Fono: (562) 6786075
Fax:    (562) 6786264

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