Liar42 liar42 at aol.com
Sun Oct 7 20:57:24 EST 2001

>As a human being i sometimes feel that i sleep way too much and i
think it should be much more advantageous for me if i can sleep less.
Is this unique to human beings?<

So I would turn non-human if I like to sleep a lot and find it comfy and nice
and a good way to spend part of my life?

>Are we the only species that occupy
ourselves with so many activities?<

Someone going to work, 8h there, maybe a lot of routine, some routine stuff
back home, then to bed, and same or nearly the same routine next morning might
see far than migrating butterflies or birds flying hundreds or thousands of
kilometers. Also many in the ocean migth swim quite some distances, including
turtles, where there are those who tend to get older than homo chimps.

A lot might see far more areas in a day or month than hmo chimps.

Maybe read more about migrating birds or various in the ocea or the life of
various in the jungle.

Also I do not intend to hop lots of meters through the air between two trees in
a jungle, dozens of meters above ground, just to follow another person of an
ape kind, a sort of lizard-like being with soemthing like flaps at the sides 
or a snake 
so many meters through the air to see where they go then and what all that day
the experience.

I am not that suicidal.

Nor do I intend to keep following a bird for weeks and harass her / him just to
find satisfy my curiosity about what all for activities might be done there, if
this one will go swim today or at all, or hunt for worms or sit here at HEB
with lots of others at the same sort in trees and make lots of noises (and
maybe also try for rubbish bins or falled down and left fruit or other stuff)
and how many of kilometers that one might migrate sotu in the winter and north
in summer from there, if at all, and how the nest is built and how a partner is
tried to be gotten and if they tend to bind for life with that partner or just
till the young ar old enough, and how many sound variations there might be.
and what they might all do in the woods or another area they pass, etc.

... Nor had I intended to find a parrot I heard about who likes to use the
remote control to watch nature programs or children cartoons to try to count
out if he might have any more or less from it than some homo chimp using the
remote control to select programs (s)he likes.

There are persons who might not be off in many activities at all, including
very old humans, and then there are persons who are out and about a lot ...

If I recall right with one cat my parents wrote something they attacked to a
collarband that amounted to if you find this cat within this area (and then
followed a bunch of blocks various directions) do not bother to try to return
this cat.

She might walk lots of blocks, that was not unusal for her.

But if she was hungry and not content with cat food, she did not seem to bother
to go far, more out, and not long later back in with a dead mouse or bird. That
did not seem to take long, and I did not have the impression that that was the
main incentive for her long walks.

Apart from that with a lot of activities they might also be quite different.

A cat and a human in South America might eat a spider, but the way they are
caught might differ.

That does not mean that all cats and all humans do eat spiders.

I would not even generalize activities of some too far.

Nor might I assume that if someone is into certain activities that that is all
there is to capacities.

I heard for example from an ant sort that there they can change "jobs".
I forget if they had like 17 different jobs or so, but there it seemed one
could just change to another job there. I forget if they could do all 17, but
the result still amounts to if one is doing one "job" that does not mean that
that is all it can do.

Some might not use a bunch of capacities, and also partially one hears there
from capacities that in our kind ar either not common or are not there at all.

So all in all our activities might be a bit different, too.

Maybe I just see a dog sniff on a pile of shit and the dog gets data how long
ago roughly a specific other passed there?

Or also smells that on the ground?

Like walking down a street with data of who passed there in the last 48 or more
hours, and maybe quite some activities transconnected with such processings
while I might not have the knowledge if some hours ago my neighbour or someone
else walked by there, and my perception there not span days of who passed

So maybe the perception of the other is so much more complex, 
and knows so much more than me about who was there / passed there 
in the hours and days before.

Mine might be more complex in other aspects,
and that of a granny might not seem so complex to us at all until we reach old
and might find it rather complex to even just get up.



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