Hello Wolfram,
The white stuff is myelin, and acts as an insulation of the axons ,for
quicker propagation of the neural signals.
The density of the neurons are greatest in the outer layers (I-VI), while
the lowest is the white part of the brain - specially around the corpus
callosum area (as it acts as a conduit for signals between the hemispheres).
Hope this cleared things up.
"Wolfram Sieber" <REMOVE_CAPShelbrecht at gmx.net> skrev i melding
news:9pniua$jmn88$1 at ID-40201.news.dfncis.de...
> Hello group,
>> (I had to move, so i was a while away. Now i am back. :)
>> During further thinking on the job of a neuron, i came to the
> question, if grey and white components of brain exist on any kind
> of brain. That means: as well on a human brain as on a
> Drosophila's "brain".
>> Do you know of any animal with brains not divided into these two?
>> --
>> best regards,
> Wolfram
>> @ Cologne, Germany