>Hi Everybody:
>Does anyone know a person who is willing to correct a paper written on
>EEG and emotional behavior. Please, if you know someone let me know.
>Thank you. Yours Erzsébet Marosi
No, and I do not find it that relevant, either.
I discern seven emotion generators (and there might be more) of which two are
in my body.
All of them are not in the neocortex.
So to stick trodes out there to make some wave pictures of their magic systems
or whatever you call those I consider not a good way to get access to different
emotion generator ongoings, understand more about individual (and maybe also
genetically correlated) differences, and so on.
The grand emotional systems are the first and third emotion generator and own
I's correlations to them & attitudes
... those are 3 of sort of the main pillars of what some might call the psyche
in a human.
Which basically makes eg.1 own I and eg.3, sort of also in that order, or at
least in my head.
Next in relevance comes eg.5, hatching adrenaline and cortisol.
You might call it the adrenal glands.
For a lot it is rather irrelevant, but if having say a woman, and she is real
scared real fast of a lot,
there eg.5 can be of relevance.
But to discern it from others takes to be able to discern the sorts of fears
that are corrleated to it, which are (or course) not the same of eg.1 (hatching
mammal emotions), eg.3 (hatching rank-fighting and aggression emotions) (and I
ASSUME also being strongly correlated to sexual programs) or worries of own I
in life.
Now, that was simplifying it.
Alone eg.1 and 3 together I estimated in my brain to have thousands of
emotional bioprograms of relevance, and the correlations between them
(eg.1 -> eg.2 (hatches sort of an upsetment that is for example highly active
when a women is shouting) and (BTW, testosterone makes the correlations shunts
to there, so that is why women might more shout upset and males more physically
fight) -> eg.3 (hatching, as mentioned, rank-fighting and aggression programs).
It is long ago that I could do that on trips, but back then I used to be able
to check into first, and trace reactions via second into third,
but I never got the correlations back from the third emotion generator into the
However I noticed that programming alterations into third caused alterations in
So there is some connection, just not something that I could follow.
And now, before I inspire any atrocious pervert maiming around in persons of
related kinds (though there we are too differing anyway, about as differing
there as that a lion cries vocally and a human with tears, though I noticed the
programmings that are getting active internally in first are related, just
different forms of crying)
and commit more crimes to the most holy of us mammal brains,
I rather get on to that there are differences, and I might be mistaken, but in
Central Africa started to assume that there might be even emotion generator
subprograms differences there internally that are genetically based. Meaning
something like in general we are about as differing as our faces. There are
some common features, like having 2 eyes and 1 nose and 1 mouth, but that does
not make someone from Australia look like someone from Denmark, nor that one
like an Indian.
There are internal major differences.
I also had that confirmed when asking the director of a school in a village in
Panama, who had one parent with Black African ancestors and one Red Indian,
what the internal differences are.
He said happiness is from the African side, calmth from the Red Indian side.
I had already before been assuming that to that Red Indian calmth I had noticed
there might be something genetic based to that as well, not just mental
Anyway, some EEG sounds more like outer neocortex stuff.
You not gonna get far there I guess understanding thousands of emotion
generator bioprograms, nor the individual differences, and even in one;s own
brain to trace around there can be like an intricate and amazingly beautiful in
its complexity labyrinth ... well not really a labyrinth, more transferring it
into optical symbolism like having 2 giga castles that are like the grand
pillars of the psyche, the first and third emotion generator (and of course own
I's attitudes and relations to them are highly relevant, also concerning
individual differences that are not just genetically based or to do with
different systems settings due to the culture that they are of.
I'm on trip (unfortunately not LSD though, which is my branch, but I ran out of
supply), and should get off the computer. In the past, before I got out of
training, I used to be interested in some brain magic stuff, using sense
enhancing drugs and magically translinking energies between brain sectors, and
playing around, and sort being curious in what perception changes that makes
... just been mainly interested in back shareware, or what you might call back
occipital and parietal cortex, and going akasha surfing co-using for tunings
other's shareware, also because I am MBD, but anyway, though I am way out of
practice, and currently believe there were internal mode changes that would not
make it good to experiment around with brains of persons not far enough in
magic, my brain was basically used to transphase shareware, and supervise that
for both brains, and a computer monitor is like the Mjoellnir then (that is
Thor's hammer, guess if not from Berlin or another Germanic area, old Germanic
religion and God(esse)s and wisdom teachings there might not be that known) ...
Meaning something like I'll flee them artificially generated vibes better now,
sort of like hightened cancer danger on trip - and I'd nearly bet an old gummi
bear (though I doubt that they are still edible) that Timothy Leary's death was
no total chance thingie ... meaning I heard he died at age 75 of cancer, and it
might be the sense enhancing effects of LSD caused more sensitivity to
artificial electromagnetic vibes,
and that the systems akasha balances had were more vulnerable that way to
alterations the gene sequencer read-out ... or something else, but I better
spare the rest now my cancer theories, that are rather vague anyway, and as a
major feature have something that another already contradicted me in as sort of
an unexplained no, why that cannot be:
Older cell programs getting activated again, and with old, I mean like old,
different sorts, one like old time Earth more radiation, been wondering if all
that artificial vibes shit through our akasha is causing systems errors in the
read out ...
Anyway, I better get off, that topic left emotions and emotion generators
anyway (not to forget individually differing hormone levels,
and who heard a woman get impatient for serious before her period might know
what that can make for differences alone there in interternal fluxes just in
one individual).