Stroke newsgroup?

Richard Norman rsnorman at mediaone.net
Wed May 30 11:13:25 EST 2001

"Rae D Stabosz" <stabosz at copland.udel.edu> wrote in message
news:9f126o$hpa$1 at copland.udel.edu...
> Hi,
> I am searching for a Usenet newsgroup for stroke survivors or caretakers.
My mother will be coming
> home in a week after a severe stroke. We have a lot of questions about
what family members can do to
> assist rehabilitation, pros and cons of various therapies, etc.  Does
anyone know of such a
> newsgroup?
> Thanks!
> Rae

Try these web sites.  They are not newsgroups, but
they should help answer your questions.

   The American Stroke Association, a division of the
   American Heart Association

   Internet Stroke Center, a service of the Washington
   University School of Medicine

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