maxwell mmmaxwell at hotmail.com
Mon May 28 04:56:30 EST 2001

John H <john at faraway> wrote in message =
news:3b120768_4 at news01.one.net.au...
If you're a student don't ask, look for yourself. Site below is an =
excellent starting place, standard boolean sort of.=20
John H.=20

It's good that you steered gaoweiz to pubmed, John, but as his or her =
English skills are sparse, perhaps you might find other folks more =
suitable targets for your haughtiness-- "looking" and=20
"asking" are _both_ verbs connoting a search process, after all. (I'm =
available, if you need to vent      ;~)   Thanks, though.

Gaoweiz, I believe you were wishing to spell "mechanism" -- please note =
that the US spelling of "ischemia" is spelled "ischaemia" in some other =
Entering ICVD at the site John linked you to gives 27 returns.
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi =20
You can also find material using: "cerebro-vascular disease" as a search =

Another good source is the google search engine:

from which "ICVD" gave many more results, including some pages in =

"gaoweiz" <gaoweiz at 163.com> wrote in message =
news:000801c0e6ab$9e8fe380$f63564ca at gaowei...
      I'm a graduate student major in neurology.
      I want to know the latest message about machiamian and treatment =
of ICVD[ischmia cerebra vascular diease].
       THANK YOU . =20

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