Is it possible to read someone's mind?

Brian zhil at online.no
Tue May 22 20:01:17 EST 2001

"yan king yin" <y.k.y(at)lycos(dot)com> skrev i melding
news:9edfg4$76v5 at imsp212.netvigator.com...
> "John Leonard" <johnrleonard at excite.com>:
> > Why can't you just wire someones brain up and monitor the signals they
> > produce and try to figure them out? Ultimately, no will figure out
> > about this subject w/o direct, and extensive,  observation.
> Thats a good point,  but Im not sure who is willing to have his brain
> up, or whether this will be approved by the law.  Also there will be the
> usual problems associated with implants.
> Also, you need a theory of what is going on in the brain to interprete the
> signals!!
> The axons or dentrites of a neuron is around 5-10um in diameter.  The
> nerve alone contains about 1M of these axons each.  So, some
> must be employed in order to accurately address all of them.  BTW, I am
> planning to do some research on this,  but im looking for a lab / starting
> one.

Why not consentrate on genetic engineering of cells ?
You could in effect program those axons (output) and dendrites (input) to
with the electronics via specially grown cells.
Just my 2¾ cents...................for what it's worth.
Hmmm, come to think of it, bacteries ARE nano-technology :)

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