"Constantine Mihailidis" <conmih at tin.it>:
> Hi, my name is Constantine Mihailidis and I am a med student at the "La
> Sapienza" University of Rome. I am fascinated by neuroscience and your ideas
> about possible research on neuroimplants. Do you maintain something like a
> newsletter to keep interested persons informed. Nevertheless, although you
> may find this funny I would like to join your group (if you ever create
> one...) and help by my side in any way I can...
You're very welcome =) I was also thinking to start a mailing list, i'll
post it here soon. Not many people had inquired though.
My earlier concept of conducting experiments on-line is not so sound. But
it might be possible to open labs locally while sharing the expensive
instruments on-line. Some samples have to be refrigerated so i dont know
how feasible is that.
At first, I had the idea of making the neuro-interface. Then I found that
it would be nice to open those "self-help" laboratories as well. The two
things are different and i hope its not too confusing. Please stay tuned,
and email me anytime if you have questions or suggestions.